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The Nonpartisan Progressive
Bob Yentzer's blog is mostly about political economy and institutional failures. It gravitates toward economic policy issues where the data contradict a partisan narrative.
Democrats Demonstrate that Trump is Not the Only Saboteur of Democracy
The Democrats' record of disregard for democratic principles is at least as long, though not as extreme, as Trump's.
The HBCU Rabbit Hole: Public Funding for Racial Segregation
Why are taxpayers still bankrolling HBCUs that have failed to desegregate, as expected by law?
Higher-Ed Chooses Racial Tribalism over the Wisdom of Martin Luther King
On university campuses diversity doesn't mean integration, but rather a diversity of tribal enclaves that sabotage interracial contact.
Stop Impugning the Public's Low Approval of Biden's Performance
Against statistics that measure Americans' lived experience, their low opinion of Biden's performance is right on the mark.
Border Crisis: The Partisan Immigration Policy that Backfired
The Democrats' enticement of asylum seekers is the most recent incarnation of an ongoing strategy of victimhood cultivation.
Fair-weather Feminism
Fair-weather feminists demand gender equality when it pays, but not when it portends adversity and inconvenience, e.g., the draft.
Confirmation Bias in Research on Gender Affirming Treatment
The medical establishment's endorsement of hormone treatment for gender dysphoric minors is based on flimsy, if not fraudulent, evidence.
The Racial Achievement Gap: What Can a Local School District Do?
Local school districts don't have the means to close the racial achievement gap.
Alvin Bragg's Indictment: A Pro-Trump Conspiracy
Alvin Bragg was just one cog in the wheel of political machination.
The Economic Costs of Labor Unions Democrats Never Mention
The Democrats want to subsidize a resurrection of organized labor even though the social costs outweigh the benefits.
Disparity-Mining: Advocacy Journalism's Statistical Hype
How advocacy journalists exaggerate racial disparities with statistics.
The Cruelest Tax of All is Not Inflation, but Inefficiency
Progressive Democrats levy regressive taxes in the guise of inflation and inefficiency.
Biden's Climate Plan
A recipe for crony capitalism and economic nationalism that will erode international cooperation. September 2021.
How Higher Education Fleeces Undergraduates
Undergraduate instruction is standardless, erratic, and has little impact on higher order thinking skills
Student Debt Forgiveness: Regressive Remedy that Evades the Real Problem
The Democrats' latest plan to forgive student debt is a welfare program for the well-off.
Antitrust Crusade: the Establishment's Answer to Big Tech's Liberation of Public Expression
Tech giants are the target of an antitrust crusade because their liberation of public expression threatens elites' authority. March, 2022
Bernie's "College For All" Revisited Again
As a public investment, free college tuition is a loser. November 5, 2021.
Bernie's "College For All" Revisited
Free college tuition is a welfare program for the upper middle class. October 30, 2021.
Where's the Social Benefit from Subsidized Amtrak Expansion?
If Amtrak is a good public investment why did we have to pay Joe Biden $500,000 to ride its trains? Sept. 2021.
Where's the "systemic racism" in police killings of black civilians?
Is the dice loaded against blacks; or is it the number of throws? June 14, 2021.
America's Style of Policing Warrants Black Americans' Contempt
The social damage of overcriminalization and proactive enforcement. August 10, 2020
Occupational Lifestyle and Major Depression
Why is major depression 65% more prevalent in food service jobs than in construction work? April 18, 2020.
Psychiatry's Worst Nightmare: Lifestyle Medicine for Depression
When it comes to making big money, preventing disease is no substitute for treating it. December 6, 2019.
Obama's Legacy #2: Taking Credit For the Inevitable
Obama's climate deal with Xi Jinping in 2014 was pure political theater. November 29, 2018.
Obama's Legacy
Obama and Axelrod pursue Prospective Legacy Management. November 28, 2018.
Where's the Public Health Payoff from the Epidemic of Antidepressants?
The sixfold increase in SSRI prescriptions since 1990 has not reduced the rate of Major Depression. Sept. 18, 2018
What's a Placebo Worth?
Medicare has paid billions for an unapproved back-pain treatment that works no better than a placebo. August 9, 2018.
Rise and Fall of a B.A.'s Return On Investment
Which drives earnings inequality, the higher value of a BA degree or the declining value of a high school diploma? July 18, 2916.
Fabricating Victims: The Student Debt Crisis
Anointing the privileged with victimhood is a clever way for the Democratic party to replenish its base. May 15, 2016.
Global Warming Threshold: Is 2°C Really Affordable?
Paris Climate Conference, 2014: "global warming can be stifled cheaply if we start now." April 5, 2016
Negative-Sum Politics: The Minimum Wage Crusade
A rise in the Federal Minimum Wage will benefit some states at the expense of others. March 4, 2016.
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